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Property & Land Healing
I Offer Two Forms of Property & Land Healing:
Buddhic Columns & Shamanic
These clearing modalities are carried out on site or from a distance
Buddhic Columns
I do recommend for people to begin with a Buddhic Column when beginning
their property and land healing, as it is highly effective and I have seen
incredible results through my personal case studies and also from placing
Buddhic Columns for my clients.
These clearing stations are an ideal addition to your healing journey as
most people spend between 12 and 16 hours a day in their homes.
They can also be placed in your place of work, your children's school etc. your
car, anywhere you spend a lot of time or stay that you feel is interfering with
you or your loved ones or where a lot of people pass through.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing is generally for more complex cases and issues that need to
be healed on the land. If you feel that your property would benefit from a Shamanic Healing, click the link below for more information and how to
arrange an appointment.
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